Count-ess (things as they should be)

Many of you have commented on the countdown timer I recently added to my website here, tracking the time since my boy(friend) was last permitted an orgasm.

I confess that I was really busy last April planning summer concert events and travel with my God-daughter and my boy was left free to ‘take matters into his own hand’ so to speak. As a result, his last orgasm did not involve me, nor was it explicitly permitted by me.

Because I was so busy with other fun things, I didn’t specifically tell him NOT to have an orgasm, I couldn’t be bothered with such trivia at the time, and he was left on ‘free range boyfriend’ time – but now I find that ever so slightly annoys me and offends my sense of authority over him that his last orgasm wasn’t under my control, so I told him we’d remedy that this weekend and reset the timer to ‘MY time’. I want the counter to mark the time since *I* last permitted him an orgasm!

Therein lies the rub. (heh heh heh. wink, wink)

Poor, poor boyfriend is way past exhausted. With retirement less than six months away, he has a million things to attend too – selling his house, finalizing his divorce, fixing up his new cell… errrr… room here with me… so ever the generous Mistress, I told him he doesn’t have to come up this weekend if he’d prefer to take the weekend off and relax.

Of course, the following weekend I do expect him to travel the usual three hours up to take care of my cats while I’m away, but there will be no chance of an orgasm that weekend, since I’m away, and the weekend following that is Independence Day weekend and I’m sure you’d agree that giving him anything pleasurable on “Independence Day” is just sending a very confused message to his little slave-boy brain. Then off to California for the Warped Tour… Well, I just don’t know when I’ll be able to fit in his orgasm anytime soon if not this weekend!

I wonder if he’ll cum… uhmmm, I mean come. 😉 What do you think?

Update Sat 6/22 – So I decided that I am going to a Celtic festival with some family today and most likely the Dave Matthews show at Xfinity tonight (hey I got the lawn pass – might as well use it!) but since my schedule was already so packed I decided to give BF the week off from driving for a change. However – he is under STRICT orders of no orgasm until I see him again which at this point will be June 29th at least. Poor BF will just have to wait until I am ready to let him have release again. <grin>

3 thoughts on “Count-ess (things as they should be)

  1. Mike Barthelme says:

    I am into banding play and safe only I only once had a girl forget to cut the band after 3 hours and the pain was extremely painful

    1. sxysadis says:

      That is another topic entirely and has nothing to do with what this blog post was about Mike .. but maybe “the girl” left the band on intentionally – just to see how far she could push your limits. I assume the woman you played with was over 18 and not a child so calling her a girl can be taken as a bit derogatory. I know if you referred to me as a “girl” or “chick”, “honey”, “babe” or even “sweetie” … I would DEFINITELY leave it on longer than you’d like. And yes … pain usually is painful – that’s why it’s called pain as opposed to tickling or mild discomfort. (eyeroll)
      Have a nice day!
      Mz Suzanne (who clearly is feeling a bit sarcastic today)

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