
As some of my followers know, my long time boyfriend is soon to become my live-in servant, slave, plaything, pet… well whatever. Labels are just so limiting, don’t you think?

But having him under foot all the time (so to speak snicker) made me realize there needed to be some ground rules laid out. After all, as an alpha female, I like things as I like them, especially in my house.

I decided a tenancy contract was in order. He has made noises for years about his desire to marry me and become my husband, so I see this as a kind of ‘trial period‘ to see if he can live up to my expectations of a future spouse!

But what should such a contract include?

I’ve racked my brain thinking of all the things that needed to be covered… insuring that he would be happy here, but more importantly that his presence would be a wonderful enhancement to my life and not a burdensome, annoyance. I am used to having MY place to MY self and doing what I want, when I want, and with whom I want! I use the bathtub when it pleases me, eat what and when I feel like it, use my home gym on my own time, work when I’m in the mood to tie up and torture a man… I wanted to be clear that none of that had better change just because he’s moving in. Then there are things like yard work, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, cleaning, paying bills… chores that needed doing to keep the house running smoothly.

And of course, I want to take care of his needs as well! I AM a loving dominant! His diet, regular exercise, need to submit… I want him to live a very long time! You have NO idea how much effort I’ve invested in training him! I’d absolutely HATE to have to start all over with someone new just because he had the audacity to go and die on me, leaving me with only a pile of life insurance money. 🙂

So after weeks and weeks of careful thought, this is the contract I drew up. What do you think? Did I miss anything?

P.S. Sorry my belt got in the picture. COMPLETELY unintentional… 😉

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