Summer draws to a close ….

So the summer of 2020 is finally almost over. What a weird year huh? I am glad to say that my favorite slave and I are still in good health and managing to keep up our spirits in spite of the challenges brought by this pandemic. I am hoping you and your loved ones are fairing as well through these challenging times.

One of our newest interests has been kayaking. I could spend an entire blog post on the tribulations of acquiring a roof rack and a pair of kayaks this summer, but suffice it to say we were FINALLY able to get out on the lake this week and it was truly beautiful! I am hoping to be able to get out several more times this fall before it gets too cold. I am a bit of a cold weather wimp and new enough at kayaking that I would likely not want to take too many chances with the frigid water until I have more survival skills. But it was a wonderful “maiden voyage” and windy enough to be quite a challenging workout!

I’ve actually decided on marrying him next month and taking him as my slave husband – if all the paperwork comes together in time. (fingers crossed) If it happens as currently hoped, it will be a simple private ceremony at a cabin in Lake George NY. Then hopefully next summer we will be able to throw a better party to include more family, friends and loved ones the way we had initially planned. Wish us luck!

We spent quite a bit of this summer puttering around the house, repainting decks and such, working in the garden, pampering cats and oh yeah building a multi species adventure park from a dead tree! (Can you tell we got a bit bored and needed a project?) We even had a couple of visits from a bear this summer.

Although my summer concert season was completely cancelled this year – my favorite concert buddy and I still had some good times – including a visit to Lake Compounce and a full day excursion to Mystic that included the seaport, the aquarium AND the cemetery ghost walk. Very cool!

Next year though, we’ll be back in the full swing of things and already have tickets for Riot Fest in Chicago. My Chemical Romance in NYC, Palaye Royale with a VIP Meet and Greet, All Time Low doing a mini “Sad Summer festival” at the Pier in NY, and most excitedly for the kid: (drum roll please) Harry Style and Louie Tomlinson from One Direction!! Separately not together – that would literally cause the kid to explode! Knowing me I will likely add a few more if I can afford them (and likely even if I can’t but don’t judge me.) But I am hoping life can and will start getting back to something close to normal by spring of next year.

Speaking of low funds, business has been slow here but that is probably due in part to my own stricter than usual protocols. I am only offering a couple of appointments one day per week to aid in social tracing, Covid safety, etc, and I’m asking for more advance booking than usual and deposits to insure sincerity. But I am still managing to keep the candles lit in the dungeon for my few lucky playmates.

I know that times have been financially challenging for everyone and some of my regulars have been struggling to see me as much as they would like. In fact, one of my longest standing playmates did a small service job for another well known Domina in the area, and then called me to scurry over and spend the money he made. It was adorable and so sweet.

6 thoughts on “Summer draws to a close ….

  1. allen says:

    First – BIG congratulations on the upcoming private marriage (very cool) and public version next year.

    This was a lovely summary of a very strange summer for everyone and that YOU found your peace in what you were doing from adventure park in your own backyard, to trips/get-aways, to the new kayaking passion (the rack thing is always a problem it seems).

    Of course that kink stays alive through any pandemic with you and yours.

  2. jennifer says:

    Well this is really good news that you are getting married. I really do miss you and think about you often. Please stay safe and healthy.

  3. mz7580 says:

    Congratulations.. good to hear happy news… I have been a fan for a little while.. Best wishes for you both and hears to a Long Happy, healthy and of course kinky life for you both. 🙂

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