Slow News Week –

So not too much to report this week – been a bit quiet here which is sometimes a really good thing. I sometimes have a tendency to try and pack too much into too a short space of time and occasionally burn myself out. Just a bit.

OK well maybe quiet isn’t exactly true – a friend of mine that I walk / hike with on occasion sent me info on a half marathon that is happening on March 25th and for some insane reason I decided to just go for it. Mind you the longest ‘race’ I have ever done before this is an 8k on the treadmill and I fast walked more than half of that.

I still do not think I actually enjoy running / jogging but I keep making myself do it in fits and starts. LOL I am currently redoing a 12 week 5k training program on the treadmill and there are days I stall and drag my feet, but eventually I drag myself up to the machine five days a week and do it anyway – and I am always glad that I did… but somedays are much harder than others. I can run a 4.4 mph pace for 20 mins or so before I start hating life – add an incline and all bets are off.

So what possessed me to sign up for a half marathon you ask? I do not freaking know to be honest. I guess I was looking for something challenging to focus some energy on for a few weeks. I signed up with barely three weeks to prepare and almost immediately had second thoughts, but I am committed – non refundable race fee and hotel stay the night before so – I am doing this.

Last week Monday my sweetheart helped me create a Google map workout for the treadmill of the actual race route (well very damn close to it anyway – Google didn’t have views of the boardwalk). and I managed to do 13.2 miles in 3:21:39. Which I think is not half bad if I do say so myself. I do not actually think I will make that good a time in person because it is a lot easier for me to be “pushed” when I set the treadmill to a 4mph pace and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I think it’ll be a lot harder to maintain that pace in person but at least I know I am not completely in over my head. We have to complete the 1/2 marathon in under 5 hours so I am pretty confident that even if I decide to take it a lot easier that day I will likely be able to finish. 🙂 Barring an injury or bad weather!

Ughh so speaking of weather! I am hoping the old expression “In like a lion out like a lamb” will come to pass. We had been really lucky for the lack of snow most of this winter and now – sitting here looking out the window at the slushy nasty mess that will need another pass soon… I am really wishing spring would get here soon.

I have a show in NYC tomorrow night – Mod Sun and Stand Atlantic at Irving Plaza. Fingers crossed for a no drama trip in and back. My concert and event calendar has a few select goodies on the horizon;

5/24 Yungblud
5/26 Louis Tomlinson
6/7 Pierce the Veil & The Used
7/5 – 9 Weekend of Wickedness kink event
8/3 P!nk
8/6 Goo goo dolls & OAR
10/20 – 24 When We Were Young – Las Vegas!! Woohooo!! SOOO EXCITED for that!!

I have a couple of awesome sessions lined up for Thursday and Friday but today is a relaxing day at home with a lap full of cats. Maybe I’ll send Brett out to make another pass at the walkways while I go soak in the hot tub with a glass of wine for a spell. I hope you are all safe and warm out there and (in the words of my favorite teacher Chester) taking exquisite care of yourselves!

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