Where’s the Juice?

This is a rather long post that I originally made on the Adult Rope Art Yahoo List. Jan 16 2008 and that I am reposting here.

As is too often the case, my schedule and energetic resources have only occasionally afforded me the time to follow the latest discussions here, and as is also often the case, I have simply lurked and taken in the best gist of the conversation that my little, less intellectual rope loving brain can manage to follow. Rarely do I post here since rarer still do feel I can add anything of great substance to the discussions but this time for what it’s worth, (which is far less than 2 cents I am sure once adjusted for inflation of ego or what not) I think I would like to add my probably too long winded thoughts.

There is a part of me that absolutely understands the western desire to dissect to death and then label things neatly so as to have concrete identifiable standards for what something is and is not, but during this latest discussion on what makes something Shibari, there has also been a part of me screaming “what difference does it really make”??!!

Honestly, with all due respect and no judgments attached, most of the time I think you “guys” focus way too much on labels and manage to suck the life and juice, fun, joy and just plain ol’ sexiness out of it all. As my dear friend Mac can attest, since we have chatted about topics such as this on occasion, I feel many times that these discussions get decidedly yang heavy and get stuck on the technical aspects of style over function, weights and measures, mats vs no mats, titles, protocols and standards, etc ad nauseum and while what is really and truly hot, sexy and wonderful about this medium is being lost in the mix. For me many of the things that most draw me to rope bondage defy all of those things and live more in the realm of the yin: art, eroticism, mystery, emotion & feeling.

The image posted was absolutely amazing! (Image to the right: rigged by JD of the Two Knotty Boys and photgraphed by Z. Matiri)

No question about it: perfectly executed & beautiful rope work, fabulous knotting, wonderful lighting & color, stunning model, great composition all done by a very handsome rope artist to boot!

What is not to like? And I do understand that he posed the question as to whether or not it was Shibari, for whatever reason, so naturally the responses elicited were all appropriate to that question but with all due resect, because I admire the TKB’s tremendously, I personally find the question to be mostly irrelevant to my enjoyment of the photo.

When I look at a bondage image, I generally am not concerned with what style of tie it is or whether the ropes exactly match some criteria by which we can determine whether the artist, rigger, rope top, nawashi (insert you personal preference here) has been properly trained in the traditional style of rope dating back X many centuries, and whether he / she is western or eastern influenced, or chooses to wear a kimono and tie barefoot even though he not asian (etc etc etc).

When I see an image of a tie what I am more interested in is what feelings does it illicit in me, what can I determine about what brought everyone involved to that particular moment in time and perhaps what is the photographer trying to convey.

On a personal level I sometimes explore things like: does it turn me on as a rigger and make me want to learn that tie? Does it make me envious or jealous because I feel I am not as skilled or curious to see if I can determine where the main support ropes (in suspension of course) are so I can better understand the rigging and perhaps use pieces of it myself in the future.

Since I am a switch that loves to be in rope myself and do not spend near enough time there for my liking (yes that was a self serving passive aggressive hint to a few friends), I wonder does the image turn me on as a bottom? I will often try to read what feeling or sensation is being created in or experienced by the bottom in an image. What is the energetic level, flavor or temperature of the image? Is she or he struggling with shame or vulnerability? Are they in extreme discomfort and trying to endure for her own sake, for the top’s sake for the sake of the shoot? Was she staring at the ceiling during the tedious and methodical application of the rope and now that the rope is done is she trying to “act” or convey something she isn’t really feeling for the sake of the image or is she really truly and fully in this experience? Is that experience mainly based on the rope itself or is the bondage just a vehicle to explore the energy and dynamic that exists between the players?

What can I determine about the intention of the rigger? Was this image taken purely as a testament to his/ her skill for vanity or ego’s sake? Was the intention to create art to inspire others or to teach and share knowledge? Or perhaps was this image snapped as a remembrance of a special moment, experience or time lovingly spent with this person in rope. And occasionally I see an image that will stop me in my tracks and make me wonder if I could ever entice that rigger to lay rope on my flesh.

There is a particular photo by photographer Michelle Serchuk that has graced my desk top off and on for 2 years that comes to mind.  Although I am opting not to post it here parts of it can be seen on two other blogs that I know of: Mac’s with the caption “Puzzel Piece” and Besu’s with the caption “Hnging on”. It is a black & white photo, a beautiful woman in inverted suspension, gorgeous lines of her body leading the eye downward, a rope circles her throat and pivots under a railing back up to the hand that holds it, tugging it upward toward him. The top’s back is to the camera and his handsome face is only slightly profiled but everything about the image conveys his exquisite presence, his rapt concentration and shows that his focus is entirely on her in that moment.

Without seeing his face or eyes I could see everything I needed to know to tell me that I wanted to be in her place. That place of rapture and surrender, offering absolutely everything to someone truly worthy of it receiving it. That image alone was enough to tell me this was someone I desired to play with and serve to the best of my ability even if it is only on occasion. And yes, our experiences together since have been every bit as exciting and challenging and juicy and hot and every other sexy good thing I had imagined they would be. And the catalyst for it all was that one image and a few emails.

Anyway, and more to the point, to my mind these are the far more interesting and exciting places to focus my attention than whether or not a particular tie is or is not Shibari.

Much love to all my ropey friends..

Suze aka Suzanne SxySadist

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