Home From SELF

Suze at SELFWow .. I had a hell of a whirlwind weekend at Southeast Leather Fest (SELF)! I left home Friday afternoon and touched down in Atlanta around 5p. Shortly thereafter I was picked up by a fascinating 23 year old young lady named Noel. Not only was she absolutely adorable with her short swingy blond hair, big bright eyed smile and perfect little body, but she is also a highly intelligent and insightful, yet down to earth college girl, and I proceeded to grow really damn fond of over the next 2 days!! Like enough that I wanted to simply stuff her into my suitcase and drag her back to NY with me by the end of the weekend!!

It all started when she had confessed to never having been in suspension and I just couldn’t resist seeing her beautifully slender and flexible body wrapped and writhing in my silk!   It was a deliciously fun and sensual scene with lots of kissing, caressing and teasing!!  I was delighted that she seemed to enjoy our play time together as much as I did and I especially loved our end of evening cuddle time.

Saturday am I got up and went to a couple of great classes.  One by a gal named Leenie who was talking about “single tail dancing”.  I enjoyed her enthusiastic teaching style a great deal and loved the way she would encourage folks to shake their hips and dance a bit to help them loosen up before they threw a whip.  I have long believed that many people would benefit from being more relaxed and fluid in their stance when they throw.

After that I popped over to a class Lady Catherine was offering in “refining service”.  I always enjoy hearing my friend Catherine speak. She truly is elegance & dignity personified. She is also one of the most perceptive and skilled players as well as finest kink educators I have ever met. I am always honored to be in her company.

After a quick lunch I launched into 3 hours worth of bondage classes and had an absolute ball as always teaching folks how to tie each other up. <grin>  God I love my life! That evening I had dinner with my leather clan sibling Dawn, Noel and a nice man named Dave whom I had met originally at Shibaricon. Then later that night in the dungeon, Dawn gave me one hell of a service caning that will leave me colourful for weeks! Man.. she sure doesn’t hit like a girl I can tell you that! 

Sunday morning I slept in a bit but caught the tail end of a great class on “playing with taboos” by reknowned scene person Hardy Haberman. He is one very entertaining guy! I will not go into great detail as to the nature of his final “role” but he sure can be an ireverant but funny guy and if he ever needed to he could probably have a great career as a bible thumping preacher in the south.   

After lunch I had my last set of classes; the Intention & Connection class .. followed by the Ecstatic Breath workshop.  I am always gratified by the great comments I get from so many people following the breath ritual. At least three people from that class told me it was their favorite class of the weekend and I absolutely love knowing i had that kind of impact on someone, even if only for a little while!

I packed up afyter my classes, and headed outside for the event sponsored pool party – barbeque, ate a burger and some cole slaw, said goodbye to my leather sibling Dawn, sweet Noel and several other people that I truly enjoyed meeting this weekend and then caught a ride back to the airport with a very nice woman called Teal. 

All in all I was in Atlanta barely 52 hours but I sure packed a hell of a lot into it! I am sure there will be a ton of photos up on the site in the coming weeks but feel free to pop over and look at last years’s shots in the meantime and if you are anywhere in the south east of the country, you should consider registering for this event next year.  It may be a comparatively small event but they do a truly first rate job! 

Ok that’s all for now, I am still trying to unpack and catch up on my sleep after getting in after midnight last night and still doing a sessions with a sweet new 21 year old sissy boy today! <blows the cutie a kiss> Talk to you all soon! 🙂

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