Mostly Quiet Here…

I very much enjoyed the holiday weekend once my Brett arrived.  It was great to have a quiet weekend at home after all the travel of the last month but we did have a few places to go, people to see, things to do etc.

We went bed shopping Sat and my new “Kingsdown” bed was finally correctly delivered today and in spite of a less than ideal shopping experience with Sleepy’s, I do dearly love this wonderful new bed! We spent a mostly quiet Sat evening at home having a scrumptious dinner of steak & crab legs and then curled up together and watched a movie. 

Sunday we went to visit a couple that I know whom I have’t seen in over a year due to our mutually crazy schedules and we spent a great day catching up and eating and just enjoying life. 🙂 

Monday for our anniversary Brett and I mostly ran errands and caught up on projects that needed doing around the house & yard but we conciously enjoyed doing them together and remarking how neither one of us expected to be together in a relationship when we first played a year ago.

Life is funny that way.  I spent a long time between relationships searching but not quite finding someone who I felt was the right mix of all the things I was hoping for and to be honest, had almost come to believe that he simply wasn’t out there, and then he showed up on my doorstep. 

 Anyway, in other news,  sub lyn the “Long Distance Sub” has finished her commentary on her experience at La Domaine and included a few photos of my rope work (which are getting some very complimentary comments on her blog by the way). 😀 To see the rest of the pics included the finished piece click here: Long Distance Sub 

In case I hadn’t mentioned it lately, I really LOVE rope. I love the way it looks and feels and smells and so much more. I started a post a month or so ago about rope selection and what I find appealing about different kinds of rope for what purpose and when etc.  Maybe if I can get a quiet day to myself next week I will pull it out dust it off and finish it up.  In the meantime, I am going to get back to catching up on my rest! Be back soon. 

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