Chastity was not an easy or obvious leap …

I have to admit I was initially rather reluctant to embrace the concept of chastity and I am sure I am not alone in that hesitance amongst other women. I think that most women are brought up believing that pretty much the only thing men think about is sex. As in, all sex and horniness, all the time. In my early dating years I, like most women I think, was indoctrinated into the belief system that if you loved someone you could (probably even should) have sex with them and that you absolutely under no circumstances, should leave a guy you really care about “hanging”. In fact to hear some guys tell it, blue balls is a fate (nearly) worse than death! So if you let him go far enough to get him into “that state”, then you were responsible to see it through to the messy conclusion one way or the other. If you didn’t then you were a “cock tease” – and very few girls really embraced that label whole-heartedly, including yours truly at the time.

Okay granted, the “Girl’s secret high school sex rule book” also stated that you could never let him know for sure if he was going to get lucky. I mean, there was never a guarantee or anything because nice girls didn’t put out on a first date (or even every date). But, if he was a “red blooded American male” and you lead him along and didn’t give it up eventually, he was going to move on to someone that would. Period!

1019605297_Vi4kS-X3So after years and years of horny male propaganda and brainwashing, you can imagine my surprise to discover that some men – far many more than I would have ever thought possible – actually crave orgasm denial! What?! “How can that be?” I thought to myself! The very thought of it flies in the face of everything I had been taught to believe about male sexuality! I decided that this required more investigation! And I discovered that there is an insane percentage of men that wish they knew a woman who was willing to lock up their cock in some device and keep the key! (Jaw drop! :0)

Why you may ask? Well, reasons vary depending on the man of course, however some of the more prevalent reasons include:

Surrendering control of sex – This seems to be the main reason for most men behind their idea of chastity. It’s sort of their “ultimate offering” – to surrender one of their basest, most animal instincts to the control of a woman. I think in part because most men believe women are far more in control when it comes to sex than they are, so it’s seems almost logical to them that we should be in ultimate control of their sex. (More about that in the next bullet point!) Silly that that notion is… because face it. We already are! For the most part, once you control a man’s cock, you control the man. Come on ladies, you know this is true!

These are some other reasons offered by my boyfriend. He’s been denied over 44 days now, so his brain is basically a pile of horny male mush… which I’ve discovered, is just the way I like it BTW… so take it for whatever it’s worth to you. I’ve interjected a few pieces of my own to clarify his ideas;

Acknowledgement of the unspoken reality – Most every man grows up knowing he can wine and dine you as lavishly was he can afford but that at the end of the night, it’s you who will decide whether he gets sex or not. Chastity takes that unwritten, unspoken secret woman dynamic and puts it out there in the light of day and says, “Why, yes. You’re right! I do have the pussy and I’ll make the rules, ALL the rules thank you very much!”

A sure sign of your love – For a woman to lock away a man’s cock is to say, “I value this long term and want to keep it! 🙂 For me alone.” After all, you wouldn’t let your pet dog run around the neighborhood without its’ leash right? Because you love him and don’t want him to get into trouble! So why let “your” cock, attached as it is to a vulnerable, suggestable, horny male mind wander the streets possibly sniffing other bitches and getting himself in trouble? 🙂 Nope! Chastity tells him “I value this enough to make it mine!”.

And let’s face it. Men have issues with their cocks. They constantly worry is it big enough? Is it at least bigger than her last boyfriends? Your wanting to put it under lock and key for yourself re-assures them in that way. “Ohhh! I like this one! Mine!” So the really funny thing is it makes him feel more masculine in the very moment you’re emasculating him! Aren’t men’s brains funny things!? Lol!

Okay, hi. It’s me again! 🙂

Interesting. So back to that pile of horny male mush that is currently my boyfriend. He confesses the most interesting things now that I chose to take control of his orgasms! For instance;

It’s not a big secret – oh, men think it is but it’s really not – but did you know that he once saw you as something to “conquer”? Yes, back when you were still considering giving him the keys to the empire, he was actively plotting and scheming and working very hard to conquer you and get you into bed for the first time!

We women need to understand that men by and large are warriors and hunters by their very genetics and they need a mission. A goal. A dragon to slay, a mountain to climb. Oh! Aren’t they just so cute!?? Lol! And us women love them for it!

So at some point, you finally allowed him to climb “Mount You”. And it was great! Hot sex with all the attentiveness of a new lover so interested in exploring your body and all its’ reactions! He simply could not get enough of your body! If you’re one of those lucky women, he woke up and did it all over again the next morning! Then a few days passed… … … -__-. And finally he called saying “Hey, what are you doing Friday night?” And Friday night was hot! Okay, shorter… he didn’t go down on you as long and well 4 minutes is good for most guys… Next it became, “Hey I got 7 minutes to kill, wanna fuck?” The orgasm (if you where quick enough to get it in before he came) was nice – but a far cry from the days of “Mount You”!
Want that passion from him back? Next time he calls and says, “I got 7 minutes to kill”, just say “nope.” And the next time? “nope.” And the next time!!? “Nah, I’m just going to use my vibrator and this huge black dildo I have, thanks tho!” click! heheheheh

You don’t actually even need to own a vibrator and a big black dildo… once you hang up you can go back to doing that ironing or emptying the dishwasher or catching up on Ellen. But I can guarantee you at the other end of the line one of two things is most likely happening. The alarm has been sounded and troops are being assembled because “Mount You” has fallen to the enemy and a rescue mission needs to be “mounted” (pardon the pun!) immediately! In which case you can probably expect a bouquet of roses at your door tomorrow and an invitation to dinner and a movie soon afterwards (wink, wink) OR there is a man furiously masturbating to the image of you naked on your bed, legs spread, and cumming with a vibrator and big black dildo. 🙂 No matter. A phone call is in your future. Let it ring a few times before picking up. He’ll wait. 😉

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