Hodge Podge Pics

So I finished up Sept by settling back in after my fun, crazy, adventure packed first half of the month,  and then took off to Lake George for 4 days with some very dear family for Canadian Thanksgiving (Columbus day weekend for most yanks).

But in between my travels I did manage to have some fabulously kinky fun with some very dear friends, subs and clients.  Quite often when I am REALLY having fun I forget to take photos because well, I am lost in the moment and too busy enjoying the connection with my play partner.  But every now and then I will snap a memento photo here and there to remember a special moment, or a particularly lovely set of marks, bit of rope work, etc.

Most of the time I do not quite have enough pics to make a full gallery from a particular play event, so this gallery is actually made up of pics from at least  9 separate encounters. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did. <smile>

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