A kink study looking for input…

I recently received an email asking me to share this info with potentially interested parties… so I am.  <smile>

Bondage, Submission/Domination, Discipline and Sadomasochism in North America: A Descriptive Study

To participate, write to this address: concordiaBDSMsurvey@gmail.com

The Pfaus Laboratory for Sexual Neuroscience and Cognition is currently conducting a descriptive study to examine the diversity of BDSM sexual practices among the general population and the level of physical/psychological well-being of its practitioners in North America.

This study involves a battery of questionnaires that will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. It includes questions about your sexual behaviours, sexual activity, sexual desire and arousal, sexual health, sexual orientation, and psychological well-being.

There is no risk in taking part in this study and you are given the chance to win a 500.00$ gift certificate to Apple Store from a draw at the end of the research project.

Your participation is strictly confidential. All your information will be encrypted. Only Simon Dubé (Principal Investigator), Dr. Pfaus (Faculty Supervisor), and their research assistants will have access to your data, which will be destroyed upon completion of this project. All information will be encrypted, protected by passwords and firewalls, and used strictly for research purposes.

To participate, you must be at least 18 years old. If you are interested in taking part in this international survey, please send an email to the address below and you will receive the URL link to the survey, as well as an identification code (ID code) to preserve your anonymity:


We thank you in advance for your participation that is important for the realization of our projects, as well as for public sexual education on BDSM practices all over the world.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Simon Dubé at simon.dube.2@umontreal.ca

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